Digital tools for better business.


We have engineered a range of digital tools that help you do better business.

People increasingly rely on the digital world. However, we believe small and medium businesses are underrepresented and often left to fend for themselves when it comes to technology.

Many lack the time, expertise and resources to invest in making technology work for them, despite the benefits it can bring.

These businesses are most invested in local communities, both depend on each other to thrive.

We believe that they should have access to high-quality, fair cost and sustainable digital tools that help them to be more efficient, deliver better service and have a greater impact.

Our work goes beyond the tools we engineer. We believe that it is possible to do better business and that value is not about increasing profit and chasing endless growth. Instead we think success should be measured by positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants.

Our Products

Digital Starter

A digital presence is essential to build trust with potential customers and make it easier for existing ones to stay connected.

Digital Commerce

Being able to sell your products online is a must for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Kit Drop

A platform for those that manage stock or pick & pack products for shipment.

Cast Finder

Find and manage your professional talent pool, for entertainment agencies.

Energetic Reporting

Reporting platform for the energy generation sector.

Property Management

Keep on top of your residential properties and ensure you stay compliant.

CEO, Yorkshire Distribution Business

“Screen Engineering helped us to see improvements we hadn’t thought about, which saved us money, improved customer satisfaction, and created new opportunities that expanded our business .”

What is better?

This is what we mean by better business.

  • Serving more customers and improving their experience

  • Operating in a more sustainable way

  • Being able to do more with less effort

We also believe it is important for businesses to act with purpose, rather than focus on arbitrary growth. This is why we are:

  • Committed to supporting women to take up meaningful roles in tech

  • Supporting charities through staff volunteering, pro-bono work, and donations

  • Striving to leave the planet in a better state than we found it, through sustainable practices and support of environmental and community development causes

Our TreeApp partnership

1% of every sale goes toward planting trees, meaning working with us directly contributes to the planet.

This is on top of our existing monthly tree donation.